A Prayer of Tears and Mourning, Our People Will Endure

Holy One, our tears are full of dread and anger, of mourning and rage. Our eyes are sore and red, making our vision swim, unable to see. Our bodies are exhausted, how long can we hold hope, while your flock has been taken captive? Innocents are drowning, children are suffering, how can we recite songs of joy? We need not ask, what is wailing, as we cry together, we know.

Mighty One, danger seems to lurk from every corner, voices who clamor for your people’s downfall. Though we are a scattered, dispersed people, our right hands do not forget, our tongues cleave, not to our mouths, but to one another, to the People. It is not good for a person to be alone, so we are with each other.

Our Redeemer, though the valley is dark, we refuse to despair. Justice, Peace, and Truth, are Your mighty hand, it will bring us from this bondage. In wholeness, from each corner, we will be with one another. Our people will endure.

Annotated Version

Holy One, our tears are full of dread and anger, of mourning and rage. Our eyes are sore1 and red, making our vision swim, unable to see. Our bodies are exhausted, how long can we hold hope, while your flock has been taken captive?2 Innocents are drowning,3 children are suffering, how can we recite songs of joy? We need not ask, what is wailing, as we cry together, we know.4

Mighty One, danger seems to lurk from every corner, voices who clamor for your people’s downfall. Though we are a scattered, dispersed people,5 our right hands do not forget, our tongues cleave,6 not to our mouths, but to one another, to the People. It is not good for a person to be alone,7 so we are with each other.

Our Redeemer, though the valley is dark,8 we refuse to despair. Justice, Peace, and Truth,9 are Your mighty hand, it will bring us from this bondage.10 In wholeness, from each corner,11 we will be with one another. Our people will endure.

  1. Jeremiah 13:17
  2. Jeremiah 13:17
  3. Sanhedrin 39b:5
  4. Moed Katan 28b:3
  5. Esther 3:8
  6. Psalm 137:5-6
  7. Genesis 2:18
  8. Psalm 23:4
  9. Derekh Eretz Zuta: Peace 2
  10. Exodus 13:14
  11. Ahavah Rabbah

Thank you for reading! In my With Torah and Love newsletter, I write about Torah, Talmud, self-awareness, and becoming our best selves as students of life and Judaism.

About the Author

Rabbi Jeremy Markiz is a teacher and consultant. He teaches the Torah rooted in personal growth, kindness, intentionality, and bettering the world. He writes the With Torah and Love newsletter.

He helps clergy, congregations, and Jewish organizations grow and communicate clearly in the digital world, develop effective strategies, and solve problems with his consulting firm, Next Level Rabbinics.