
Story Fundamentals:

Create a compelling congregational story.

The Story Fundamentals Workshop is a live synagogue-team workshop to help your congregation develop a powerful story to share.

Mission and vision statements are boring and focus on the congregation — instead, you will create a Value Story that highlights your community and inspires others to engage with you.

Strengthening Your Digital Communications:

How to Focus Your Energy

You have limited time to spend on your congregation’s digital engagement. As our world becomes more digitized, improving your online interactions has become an essential part of the task.

Understanding the steps and balancing your efforts through your websites, emails, and social media, you can be strategic about how to utilize your time and effort online.

This one-hour talk given to leaders, lay and clergy, even entire congregational teams provides an overview of the most important and impactful things you can do for your website, email, and social media.

Includes time for questions and conversation as you learn the information.

Price: $200

"Rabbi Jeremy Markiz’s “Strengthening Your Digital Communications” workshop was an excellent overview of how a synagogue should think about digital communications, both in its entirety and its components. The workshop helped our organization’s various departments and schools better coordinate our communications efforts. More importantly, Rabbi Markiz is an engaging educator and storyteller, and he quickly connected with our staff as he shared his insights into digital communication. I highly recommend working with him to focus and strengthen your organization’s communications."

Additional Workshop Opportunities

Creating a User-Driven Adult Education Program

Adult education, membership engagement, and leadership training for your congregation can be a coherent and coordinated effort. Developing a User-Driven model will give your people the power to take ownership of what your congregation offers, provide you the clarity of where to put your efforts, and build a long-term system for learning and growth.

Digital Productivity Bootcamp

We live in an era of unending streams of emails, articles, and digital materials that we have to manage in our limited time. This workshop will help you manage your emails, manage your tasks, and organize your digital life. (This workshop is good for teams and individuals.)

Solution Design Workshop

Once you know who you are trying to serve, how do you actually come up with the ideas, solutions, and offers you want to make to help them? This workshop is a step-by-step process to develop exactly what you are going to offer your audience. Whether you are a congregation, organization, or an individual, working through this process will give you clarity and focus.

How to Write for the Internet

Reading habits on the internet are not the same as reading a book or a magazine. Readers today have limited patience and skim the content rather than read. As much as we might protest, many of us are now also content creators. We have to deal with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), the differences in social media platforms, the time it takes to write, and those readers.

When I translate a sermon into a blog post, what should I change? What does Google prefer? How do I transform the content into tweets or a Facebook post? This session will discuss navigating those issues and present various approaches to help you write clearer on the internet.

Camp’s Voice: Stories and Strategies

In this workshop, we will craft a story for your camp rooted in who you serve. Drawing on what makes your camp special and unique, combined with focused storytelling, we will build a clearer strategy to help you engage with your campers and their families. Walk away with not just a story, but a system to help you implement it.

Want a custom workshop?

Perhaps you want a workshop that isn’t listed here? That’s ok! We can create something custom to meet your specific needs.

  • The Online Content Workshop

  • Voicing Your Values: How to Create Content with Impact & Intention

    Empower, encourage, and engage your community through a set of impactful strategies to improve your public-facing communications. Whether you are an established legacy organization, a small nimble team, or a team of one, this workshop can help you develop a full communications system.